

Monday, August 30, 2004

北京娱乐信报 www.stardaily.com.cn
临别感慨:特别对不起观众上周五晚上,录制昨晚播出的《第7日》。在节目的尾声,元元特意做了一个片子,拍了一些她现在的校园——北师大的镜头,然后和观众说了说她的情况。那期节目录到晚上10点多钟了,很多同事都坚持没有回家,一直静静地等着元元,说“要送送她”。接她班的新主持人李向显送她一本笔记本,里面夹着一张卡片,上面写着:希望你早点回来。元元说,当她走出演播室,拎着化妆箱、大口袋走出北京台的时候,真是感慨万千。虽然只有一年的时间,但毕竟和这个栏目、和这拨同事相处的时间太长了,还有那些喜欢自己的观众。“我觉得特别对不起观众,因为他们喜欢你,看你这个节目,你却走了……”让元元更感动的是,在她读书去的消息被报道后,很多观众、很多网友都是一片支持,“有观众说好,这么长时间,你也应该去休息一下了。我说,我主要目的还是学习,观众就更支持了。”元元说,她最想告诉观众的就是:希望大家等她回来,她一定好好学,决不会浪费这一年。新《第7日》:平民风格不改变一个节目做火了,做熟了,最害怕的就是变主持人。何况《第7日》火的一半原因还是因为元元。接替她的人会不会被观众接受,会不会改变《第7日》的风格,就成了大家最关心的问题。元元说,接替她的新主持人李向显其实观众也挺熟的,“他最早是《第7日》的记者,后来给《第7日》配音,再后来主持。他和我的风格不同,之所以有的观众觉得他像我,那是因为稿子还是我改的,那些词还是我写的。”元元说,李向显是厚道型的,他的长处是讲述,因为他熟悉内容,讲述制作幕后的花絮他比较擅长。“主持人变了,我们的风格不会变。《第7日》是有它自己丰富的内涵的,我们的记者10个选题中也选不了一个,为什么呢,因为《第7日》在选择做什么的时候是有它的节目取向的,都是下水道不通的事,我们为什么做这个呢?因为它有背后的原因,《第7日》的内涵就体现在这里。”元元说,这也是现在很多节目模仿《第7日》却取代不了《第7日》的原因,“不是曝光,不是说话里加个儿化音就可以的,《第7日》的亲民风格早已融在整个节目中。”实说实话:交给新人不太放心虽然走之前做了很多准备,问元元放不放心把节目交到新的主持人手上。快人快语的元元笑说实话:不太放心。她说,好在自己没有走多远,都没有出海淀区,所以她还会时时关注节目。“我会坐在电视机前继续看《第7日》的,我们同事就开玩笑说,元元,估计没两天,你看到节目中哪里有问题,肯定又会跑回来说我们了。我自己想也是,肯定的,有问题我会随时和他们沟通,所以和节目的联系不会因为去读书就断了。”采访最后,元元还说,希望记者们都倡导一下激流勇退的思想,“我一说要走,大家就在猜,是不是工作不顺心了,是不是节目走下坡路了,是不是上面有压力啊,其实一切都挺好,就是想学习。我觉得主持人也不要天天占着地盘了,混个脸熟,挺没意思的,该退的时候就退。”问元元担不担心这一年观众忘了她,她笑着说,有个记者在文章里写,元元和观众的感情已经超出了普通主持人和观众的关系,“我很自信,这一年的时间不会让观众忘了我,只会让他们更想念我,主持人各有各的风格,谁也不能取代谁。我现在的任务就是好好学习,一年后带回来更好的节目给观众。”话说元元:本名刘元元,女。1969年7月生于北京。1992年毕业于首都师范大学外国语学院德语系。1994年进入北京电视台。1994年任《北京您早》记者;1995年创办新闻评论节目《点点工作室》,每天一期,每期7分钟,任主持人、制片人;1998年创办新闻评论节目《元元说话》,每天一期,每期7分钟,任主持人、制片人;1999年创办大型新闻述评节目《第7日》,每周一期,每期30分钟,任主持人、制片人至今,同时担任新闻早间节目部部门负责人。元元的节目风格是别开生面的叙事方式与出人意料的精彩评点相结合,其主持自然、朴实、流畅,极具亲和力。她的语言更是充满了机智与诙谐,常有令人拍案叫绝的亮点出现。元元曾因主持《元元说话》在北京家喻户晓,近来她通过在《第7日》节目中的实践进一步走向成熟,在北京乃至全国有了更加广泛的知名度和影响力。《第7日》普遍受到观众的喜爱,收视率在很长时间里都占据全台栏目收视率排行榜的前列。据北京京视调查公司统计,《第7日》最高收视率达11.29%,平均相对占有率为33%,开创了北京电视台周日中午时段的收视新高点,成为深受观众喜爱的名牌栏目。此外,由于北京电视台第一套节目上卫星播出,在全国很多地方都颇有影响。《第7日》栏目组经常能收到其他省市区的观众来信和来电。广东电视台、江苏电视台、内蒙古电视台、安徽电视台、杭州电视台、陕西电视台、河南电视台甚至中央电视台等兄弟单位同行也曾经上门专访,了解《第7日》的日常运作方式和成功经验。元元的主持风格以及《元元说话》、《第7日》在新闻节目上的创新与探索获得业内专业人士的一致好评,并多次成为专家授课、研讨或著书立说的典型例证。同时,元元还是北京作家协会会员,著有大量散文作品,1995年出版散文专集《20岁进行时》,1999年出版《元元说话》。信报记者 任嫣
That's one big fat Greek goodbye
Athens puts on a spectacular show of fireworks, song, dance — and security
MITCH POTTERSTAFF REPORTERATHENS—Greece said goodbye to the XXVIII Olympiad last night, staging an uproarious farewell pageant under the glow of a full moon, replete with security blimps and a swarm of police helicopters swirling overhead.
It was joyous enough that Athens readied itself for the Games on time, more joyous still that the 17-day festival of the humanly possible passed to its climactic conclusion without so much as a misplaced firecracker, let alone a hint of the kind of large-scale terror attacks dreaded by all.
In celebration, last night's finale was a uniquely Greek mosaic of song, dance and colour, drawing more than a dozen of the country's best-loved contemporary and traditional folk artists into a program that exploded energetically from a spiral wheat field on the stadium's floor.
Hundreds of dancers interlaced between harvesters with scythes, waving white scarves, a wave answered in turn by 70,000 attendees in the stadium, coached to be part of the program just minutes before the event was beamed live around the world.
Symbolic tables of bounty came next, a gang of grape harvesters pressed wine, and then, inevitably, a very brief but nevertheless big fat Greek wedding procession.
There were Testos dancers, Tsamikos dancers, Tsifteteli dancers and Tsakonikos dancers, each spicing the medley with regional flavour. There were fire dancers, rembetico groups, refugee processions and caricatures of Greek presidential guardsmen, circling on bicycles.
As the dances unfolded throughout the stadium floor, the scythes continued swinging through the spirals of wheat.
With the harvest complete, the harvesters, too, began to dance, holding their wheat bundles skyward as they moved to that most recognizable of all Greek sounds — composer Mikis Theodorakis' "Zorba."
And when the dance was over, the wheat spiral had taken new shape, morphing into the five Olympic rings.
The medallists of the men's marathon, who had only just completed their journey from the event's namesake, were next inside the stadium, becoming the first-ever Olympians to be presented with medals during the actual closing ceremonies.
Canada's flag bearer, Adam van Koeverden, 22, selected on the merits of his remarkable gold and bronze performances in kayak competition, entered next on a raised runway, together with his peers from 201 nations.
But there was actually a larger Canadian flag — at more than three metres long, the largest flag in the arena — carried by the remaining athletes of Team Canada as they paraded inside, together with an estimated 5,000 of the 10,500 athletes who came to Athens.
"These Games broke records. Most athletes in history, most women in history, most national teams in history. First global torch relay. First women to compete in Olympia. Safe and secure Games, blessed by a climate of celebration and joy," said Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki, president of the Athens 2004 Organizing Committee, to wild applause.
"Athens was great for the athletes; Greece was great for the Games."
International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge brought formalities to a close with his official declaration: "I call upon the youth of the world to assemble four years from now in Beijing."
And with that, the theme of last night's ceremonies took a continental leap eastward, as red lanterns and bunting, costumed stilt walkers and a smattering of kids representing the Beijing Opera gave Athens a hint of what the Chinese capital will feel like in 2008.
China's inheritance of the Olympic flame did not pass without protest, however. Hours before the ceremonies began, Tibetan activists breached stadium security, entering the grounds to unfurl a tattered Tibetan flag, its fabric showing five bullet holes instead of the Olympic rings.
The five women and one man, all wearing traditional Tibetan dress, sat for two hours before being led away by police.
Chinese troops occupied Tibet in 1950 and Beijing considers the Himalayan region part of its territory.
Despite the Chinese interlude during last night's ceremonies, Athens was not quite ready to let go.
A solemn service marked the dousing of Santiago Calatrava's 31-metre Olympic Cauldron, which burned non-stop atop the stadium since the Games began Aug. 13. The honour was handed to 10-year-old Fotini Papaleonidopoulou, who blew with a dramatic flourish from halfway across the venue, snuffing the fire as one would a birthday candle.
The moment launched a finale of fireworks, kites and balloons, culminating in an all-star concert featuring the leading lights from half a century of contemporary Greek music.
Additional articles by Mitch Potter

Sunday, August 29, 2004

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Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Nortel probe one of Canada's biggest

Investigation could distract management, hurt customer relations, analysts warn

Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - Page B1

In what will be one of Canada's largest white-collar crime
investigations, the RCMP will assign as many as two dozen officers and
forensic accountants to the criminal investigation of Nortel Networks
Corp., a source familiar with the probe says.

While the news of the probe late Monday came as little surprise to the
Street -- Nortel shares gave up little ground yesterday -- the
widening scale of the investigation could pose longer-term problems
for the company, including damaging customer relations or distracting
management from its game plan in a rapidly changing industry, some
analysts said.

The RCMP's white-collar crime unit, called the Integrated Market
Enforcement Team (IMET), has spent months developing a plan for
investigating the Brampton, Ont.-based telecommunications equipment
maker, which began revealing a series of accounting problems more than
a year ago.

RCMP officers are expected to launch their probe in full within the
next few weeks, according to the source familiar with the probe.

The unit plans to fan out across North America and start interviewing
dozens of former and current company officials. The Mounties are also
likely to use search warrants to secure company files and they will
almost certainly be in touch with the FBI and other U.S. regulatory

Several outside accountants and experts are also expected to be hired
as part of the probe, the source said.

Superintendent Craig Hannaford of IMET would not comment on the
specifics of the case. However, he said investigations of this kind
typically involve interviewing numerous company officials and
extensive forensic accounting work.

"These are resource-intensive investigations so when we move to that
step obviously we are saying that we are going to devote some
resources to it," Supt. Hannaford said.

He added that he had no idea how long the investigation will take.

Tina Warren, a spokeswoman for Nortel, said yesterday that the company
had not received any search warrants from the RCMP.

News of the criminal probe is the latest in a string of troubling
events for what was once Canada's most valuable company.

Nortel has been unable to offer investors any financial certainty
since announcing in April that it would cut its 2003 profit of
$732-million (U.S.), its first year in the black since 1997, in half.
The company is restating results for 2001, 2002, and 2003. Tomorrow,
Nortel is scheduled to give a preliminary look at results for the
first two quarters of 2004.

The U.S. Attorney's Office in Dallas, home to Nortel's U.S.
headquarters, has issued subpoenas for financial statements,
accounting records and personnel information dating back to Jan. 1,
2000. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Ontario
Securities Commission are also investigating.

Analysts say Nortel remains well-positioned in the telecommunications
equipment market, especially in the growth areas of wireless networks
and networks that carry voice using Internet technology, but some
question how much more bad news the company can handle.

"The issue is when will the financial hanky-panky be behind them. The
investigation isn't particularly a surprise at this point, but you've
got to believe that their customers are saying 'please let this be the
last bad news on this front,' " said Jim Slaby, a senior analyst with
Yankee Group Canada .

For now at least, some of Nortel's most important customers are
standing by the company.

"Nortel provides a lot of our infrastructure and I assume that they
will continue to service and take care of the equipment," said Ritch
Blasi, a spokesman for AT&T Wireless Service Inc., the second-largest
wireless carrier in the United States, which announced last month that
Nortel had been chosen to provide the core and most of the network for
its next-generation service.

The numerous investigations, along with more than two dozen
shareholder lawsuits filed, put growing pressure on the schedules of
Nortel's senior management. For example, Bill Owens, who was appointed
president and chief executive less than four months ago, has spent
many days travelling to reassure both customers and employees.

Increasingly, it may be difficult for the people running Nortel to
stay focused on a long-term strategy, said Paul Sagawa, an analyst
with Sanford Bernstein & Co. LLC.

"The fact that so much of the financial organization's time will be
spent dealing with these many different investigations and
authorities, all of which demand full co-operation, is time not spent
on strategic projects, acquisitions or whatever," he said.

Even as Nortel continues to announce customer wins and new product
launches, bad news on the legal front may continue to trickle out for
more than two years, Mr. Sagawa said. "The stock will bounce around
like a Cessna in a hurricane."

Many investors are betting that most of the risk around Nortel is
already priced into the stock and that the company continues to have
strong fundamentals. Shares closed yesterday on the Toronto Stock
Exchange at $4.43, down 5 cents (Canadian).

"The company itself will continue to exist. It's not an Enron or a
WorldCom where the entire reported results were a fabrication. This is
a company that had real revenue last year on real bookings and
continues to do so," said Gabriel Lowy, director of technology
research at Baylock and Partners LLP. The New York-based firm doesn't
have a banking relationship with Nortel, but Mr. Lowy said he owns
shares of the company.

Ms. Warren, the Nortel spokeswoman, declined to comment on the effect
the criminal investigation might have on customer relations, but said
Nortel has continued to win important contracts since it announced the
latest financial problems in March and since the U.S.
Attorney-General's office launched a criminal investigation in May.

The RCMP probe is "all part and parcel of the restatement period," she
said. "We're very focused on getting this completed and continue in
this environment, which is a difficult environment, to win new
contracts, to innovate and design."

Best regards,

Friday, August 13, 2004

Google to Take IPO Bids Today(CALIFORNIA)

From Bloomberg News

Google Inc. will begin taking bids for its auction-style initial
public offering today in advance of setting a share price next week.

Individuals and institutions who registered by 2 p.m. PDT on Thursday
would be able to bid for Google stock, the Mountain View, Calif.,
search engine company said on its website.

Google will be able to test whether investors are willing to pay the
$108 to $135 it believes its shares are worth. Analysts concerned
about the company's slowing sales growth and competition from Yahoo
Inc. and Microsoft Corp. have said the IPO may not raise as much as
the $3.47 billion that Google has projected.

"There's no question that there are a lot of risks related to this
offering," said Standard & Poor's analyst Scott Kessler, who
recommends that investors bid $110 for Google shares.

After bidding is closed, Google will set the price for its IPO in
consultation with lead managers Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse First
Boston. Google has said in filings with the Securities and Exchange
Commission that the auction system is intended to limit the
share-price volatility other companies have experienced in their IPOs.

"Google is trying to get every last penny from investors," said Rick
Jandrain, manager of the $2.5-billion One Group Mid Cap Growth Fund in
Columbus, Ohio, which hasn't registered to buy shares in the IPO.
"They're setting themselves up not to have a successful launch. I
think a lot of people are on the sidelines."

The stock may fall after the IPO because of the "winner's curse,"
common to auction-style IPOs, Google said in filings. That's where
investors believe there is little demand for stock above the clearing
price and refuse to bid higher.

Google is selling into a declining market for Internet stocks. Web
shares have fallen through July and August as Yahoo, Amazon.com Inc.
and IAC/InterActiveCorp reported second-quarter sales that were lower
than analysts estimated.

The company generates 98% of its revenue by selling text
advertisements that appear next to search results and other online
content. The ads appear on Google's own sites as well as those of
companies it's formed partnerships with, including Time Warner Inc.'s
America Online.

Google said it expected its sales growth to slow and profit margins to
decline in the future, partly because of competition.

Best regards,

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Google to give Yahoo stock to settle legal dispute

By Jefferson Graham, USA TODAY
Internet search giant Google will give rival Yahoo stock potentially
worth more than $300 million to settle a long-standing patent lawsuit,
the companies said Monday.
The settlement removes what was seen as a minor legal impediment to
Google's upcoming and controversial initial public offering.

The dispute concerns patents for online advertising technology. Yahoo
subsidiary Overture Services, formerly known as Goto.com, in 2000
began offering text-based ads that pop up next to search results.
Google's similar AdWords program began in 2001.

Google has 150,000 customers using AdWords, which generated the lion's
share of the company's $962 million in revenue in 2003. Yahoo says it
has more than 100,000 Overture customers. Its 2003 revenue was $1.6

Under terms of the settlement, Overture will license certain patents
to Google, and in return, Google will pay for them with 2.7 million
shares of stock. The payment also resolves a dispute about how much
Yahoo is owed under an old partnership between the two that ended in
February, when Yahoo dumped Google in favor of its own search

American Technology Research analyst Mark Mahaney calls the swap a
"minor positive" for both companies. "For Google, the patent dispute
was something that could have gone on for years," he says. "Now, one
unknown legal risk is removed. For Yahoo, they get extra shares."

The settlement is worth about $328 million, based on the midpoint in
the $108-to-$135-per- share range that Google has established for its
highly anticipated initial public offering.

Google has been suffering from lower expectations in recent days.
Investor response to the planned IPO isn't living up to the hype.

"Internet stocks are down 20% since July," Mahaney says. "People look
at Google in relation to Yahoo as a benchmark, and Yahoo stock is off
25% in the last month. So if Yahoo has come down dramatically, they
think Google should be, as well."

Google still expects to complete the IPO later this month, according
to documents filed Monday. The company hasn't set a specific date;
many expected it to come this week.

Google is the most widely used search engine, used for 49% of all
searches, according to May data compiled by Internet measurement firm
comScore Media Metrix. Yahoo is next with 26.6%, followed by
Microsoft's MSN at 14.5%.

Accounting for the settlement will saddle Google with a loss for the
current quarter ending in September. Google warned it will absorb a
charge of $260 million to $290 million, but didn't quantify the
magnitude of the projected loss. Google earned $20.4 million during
last year's third quarter.

Contributing: The Associated Press

Best regards,

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Fwd: Googroup(July)Summary

Subject: Googroup(July)Summary
To: googroup@googlegroups.com
Cc: go2group@googlegroups.com

Description: Maillist for Googler@BlogChina 这个就不用说了,我们来自Googler
Topic: Science and Technology > Social Sciences(科技以人为本、服务社会)
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Activity: High(谢谢大家,我们很活跃啊,Very High:)
Members: 100+(人多就是热闹,但人多不一定就力量大)

About: 121 members, members can post, anyone can join, only members
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Messages per month(万事开头难,好开头是成功的一半!)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2004 3580

Email Addresses

Group email: Googroup@googlegroups.com(这是我们组的电子邮箱)
Owner email: Googroup-owner@googlegroups.com(这是管理员的)

Top authors(Top 10之类的,没排上的不要介意啊,不是我排的哦)
This Month (本月,July含半个月的猴年马月)
511 sxxxcehxexxo@gxxaxxl.xxom (灌军第一水桶,站出来给大家看看)
471 petxrcuxi@gxaxilxxcox (呵呵,亚军!好象是老古董)
453 jxnxaxa@gxxailx.cxxx (不好意思,就是本人)
328 caixaoxl@gxaxilxcom (菜刀虽然名字凶猛,但跟我还不是一个数量级)
173 yanxhuaxiyuxn@gxmxixl.xoxm(这位小兄弟分心自己搞了一摊,所以然)
166 xiaxxwxy@gxmaxl.xxom (西安人,到处找老乡)
162 colxrjxd@gxailx.cxxm (是不是Tony?Googler就交给你和Iammerlin啦)
146 haoxoo@gxmaix.cxom (怎么称呼?蚝油?)
107 nasxtuxax@gxxailxxxxxom (是兄弟还是兄妹?经常为我呐喊助威的兄弟/妹)
93 fenxxxqxxn@gxmaixx.cox (我见过面的唯一Googler,有血性的中国人)

Total (我们这个月才刚开始,所以跟上面一样,不重复了)
511 sxxxcehxexxo@gxxaxxl.xxom
471 petxrcuxi@gxaxilxxcox
453 jxnxaxa@gxxailx.cxxx
328 caixaoxl@gxaxilxcom
173 yanxhuaxiyuxn@gxmxixl.xoxm
166 xiaxxwxy@gxmaxl.xxom
162 colxrjxd@gxailx.cxxm
146 haoxoo@gxmaix.cxom
107 nasxtuxax@gxxailxxxxxom
93 fenxxxqxxn@gxmaixx.cox
Best regards,

Best regards,