

Monday, July 02, 2007

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Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 23, 2007




2003年11月第一版,2004 年3月第二次印刷。

印数不多,两次总共才2000本,定价也不高16元( 245页)。

这不是学术文章,而是科普书籍,这样质高价廉的书在中国是少人问津的。为什么?中国人都要"听话"学做人,揣摩人讨好人或者整人吃人,没几个喜欢讲道理学逻辑的更别说"不听话"的批判性思维了。为什么?"有着灿烂古代文化的中国在相当长的历史时期间的停滞和落后,其重要原因之一就是逻辑学在汉代的被罢黜"。 纵观中国历代浩如烟海的文献,分经、史、子、集四大部分,几乎全都是缺乏逻辑内容的现象描述性的文字堆积。尤其中国的历史文献份量最重,而且六经皆史。后人说是"我注六经",其实都是"六经注我"。


如果我们追寻"逻辑"的语源,就会发现逻辑是人类文化的一个根,"逻辑"有着十分丰富的语义。"逻辑"一词,是由英语单词logic音译过来的,它的词源是古希腊的"逻格思"。"逻格思"在希腊语中的基本意义是"规律"或"秩序",由此派生出"尺度""关系""理性""批判""学问"等涵义。在西方语言中,诸如"心理学""地质学""动物学"等关于"科学"的词尾(后缀) logy也是由"逻格思"的上述意义引申出来的。可以说"逻格思"在西方文化中具有根本性的重要意义。


(1) 客观事物的规律。例如:我们要研究市场经济的逻辑。

(2) 思维的规律。例如:他的话不合逻辑。

(3) 研究思维形式及其规律的科学,即逻辑学。例如:我们应当普及逻辑。

(4) 某种理论或者说法。例如:"成则公侯败则寇"是流氓的强盗逻辑。




(1) 批判性思维的一般理论分析;

(2) 从理论上阐明逻辑和批判性思维的关系;

(3) 从微观上说明逻辑形式和逻辑方法的思维意义;

(4) 加强逻辑应用的研究和个案分析;

(5) 充实非形式逻辑,特别是非形式论证的内容。


好了,但愿中国不要再有那种"成则公侯败则寇"的流氓强盗逻辑了,很不文明啊。但是也曾有一个历史意外,就是那不讲信用、喜欢作秀、装神弄鬼、急功近利、死要面子、屡战屡败还总能为失败找到借口的投机失败者诸葛亮,却被不断美化神化成中国智慧的化身(《三国演义》成书是诸葛亮从人变神的过程)。因为诸葛亮不是大聪明,而是太聪明的中国文人的代表。(中国人还有两个代表就是阿 Q和韦小宝,阿Q代表老百姓,韦小宝是官崽代表)


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Sunday, February 04, 2007

I have an idea: Send Keyword and Search Result to Email(S2E)

所以,我想能不能象Google Alert一样,让Google服务器把搜索结果发到我的电子邮箱里。





Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Congratulations! Your move to the new Blogger is complete.

You can now access your dashboard at http://www.blogger.com/ using your Google Account and start using the new features right away.

Happy blogging,
The Blogger Team


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Happy 2007! Jan.23






CWBW79-B6RV1R-AQLJ53-DQD200 (ID任意是8位的)

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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Health care information matters

11/30/2006 12:59:00 PM
Posted by Adam Bosworth, Vice President

At Google, we often get questions about what we're doing in the area of health. I have been interested in the issues of health care and health information for a while. It is now one of my main focuses here, and I've decided to start posting about it. I've been motivated in this field in part by my personal experiences helping to care for my mother, who recently died from cancer after a four-year battle. While the quality of the medical care my mother received was extraordinary, I saw firsthand how challenged the health care system was in supporting caregivers and communicating between different medical organizations. The system didn't fail completely, but struggled with these phases:

* What was wrong -- it took her doctors nine months to correctly identify an illness which had classic symptoms
* Who should treat her -- there was no easy way to figure out who were the best local physicians and caregivers, which ones were covered by her insurance, and how we could get them to agree to treat her
* Once she was treated, she had a chronic illness, and needed ongoing care and coordinated nursing and monitoring, particularly once her illness recurred

Once she had a correct diagnosis and we'd found the right doctor, her treatment was excellent. But before and after treatment, most people with serious illnesses have to live through these other phases and suffer similar problems. She was trying to get help from her caregivers in the family and it was incredibly challenging to get the right information and help her make the right decisions. Often the health care system isn't well set up to address these issues. I believe our industry can help resolve some of these problems and ameliorate others.

In the end, one key part of the solution to these problems is a better educated patient. If patients understand their diseases better -- the symptoms, the treatments, the drugs, and the side effects, they are likely to get better and quicker care -- before, during, and after treatment. We have already launched some improvements to web search that help patients more easily find the health information they are looking for. Using the Google Co-op platform, Google and the health community have labeled sites and pages across the web making it easier for users to refine their health queries and locate the medical information they need. Do a search on Google about a medical issue or treatment like diabetes or Lipitor and you'll see some choices for refining your query, such as "symptoms," "treatments," and so on. If you click on "treatment," your search results are refined and reordered so that sites that have been labeled as being about treatment by trusted health community contributors are boosted in the rankings. Note that how trusted a contributor is -– and thus how much they affect your search results -– is dependent both on Google's algorithms and on who the user decides they trust. For example, if my doctor is a Google Co-op contributor and I indicate to Google that I trust her, then when I search, the sites she has labeled as relevant will show up higher in my search results.

This is just the beginning of what our industry can do. People need the medical information that is out there and available to be organized and made accessible to all. Which happens to be our mission. Health information should be easier to access and organize, especially in ways that make it as simple as possible to find the information that is most relevant to a specific patient's needs.

Patients also need to be able to better coordinate and manage their own health information. We believe that patients should control and own their own health information, and should be able to do so easily. Today it is much too difficult to get access to one's health records, for example, because of the substantial administrative obstacles people have to go through and the many places they have to go to collect it all. Compare this to financial information, which is much more available from the various institutions that help manage your financial "health." We believe our industry should help solve this problem.

As the Internet increasingly helps link communities of people, we also think there is an opportunity to connect people with similar health interests, concerns and problems. Today, people too often don't know that others like them even exist, let alone how to find them. The industry should help there, too.

These are some of the health-related problems we're thinking through at Google. We don't have any products or services to announce yet and may not for quite some time, but we thought we'd share a bit about the problems we're interested in helping out on even before we introduce solutions. As we explore these problems and continue to work on them, we hope to share more about our efforts along the way. Your help is welcome and, of course, if you're an extraordinary engineer with a passion in this field, we'd love to hear from you. Write to us at health@google.com.

Permalink |

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

看书的一种新途径(Google Books功能增强了:)

A new way to browse books

As a kid, I was a bit of a fixture at my hometown library. My mom and I would visit frequently and the librarians knew me by name. It's only fitting that now, decades later, I work as an engineer for Google Book Search, Google's project to make the world's books searchable, just like the web.

My latest assignment has been to help develop a better way to browse our digitized books on a computer screen. I've always had an interest in cutting-edge web applications — existing Google products such as Gmail, Google Maps, and Google Docs & Spreadsheets make heavy use of JavaScript and DHTML to create full-featured applications in a web browser that you can use without having to download and install anything.

In an effort to make online book reading easier, we've given our product the same treatment. I'm tremendously excited to announce the first fruits of these efforts. Here's a quick tour of some of the changes:
  • Zoom in on text and images. Here's a cool full-page sketch of a ship from an 1898 book on steam navigation. Looking for something less dated? Perhaps this colorful page of a room from a book on interior design. Want a better look? You can now zoom in and out — just click on the zoom in and zoom out buttons. Play with it until you find a size you like.

  • One book, one web page. No more reloads! In one-page mode (just click the one page button), pages appear one below the other, like a scroll of paper. For full-view books, there's also a two-page mode (two page button) in which pages appear side by side, just like in a physical book (perfect for two-page images). In both modes, you'll be able to use previous page button and next page button to turn pages.

  • Scroll, scroll, scroll your book… using the scrollbar or your mouse wheel, or by dragging (in most browsers, you'll see a hand). You can also use the keyboard (try the spacebar, page up, page down, and the arrow keys). Or you can click on a link in the table of contents or your search results to jump right to that page (like this photo from the 1906 book Geronimo's Story of His Life).

  • This page was made for reading. We've tried to tidy up the clutter to leave as much room as possible for what's important — the book. We've put all the information about the book in a scrollable side menu. Still not enough room? You can put the screen in fullscreen mode with fullscreen button, so you can use the whole window for browsing. Try it with a nice illustrated book of Celtic fairy tales or, for some lighter reading, electromagnetic wave theory.

  • More on this (and other) books. Find other books that interest you. Just click on "About this book" to find more books related to the book you're reading. If the book How to Draw Comic Book Heroes and Villains interests you, you'll probably like Comic Book Artist Collection, Vol. 1. We also revised our "About this book" page to provide better information for in-copyright books, from which you can just see short snippets or a limited preview.

  • Explore citations and references. You can also find other books that refer to your book of interest. If scholarly works from Google Scholar have references to the book, you'll see them too. As an example, see what other works have referred to Aristotle's works or the 1922 book All About Coffee.
So check out the new Google Book Search. We hope it'll help you find new (and old) books that interest you. Try it out, and let us know what you think. Permalink |
简单就是力量!Simple is not naive!
As simple as possiable, but not simpler

Simplicity and power

When we launched Google Page Creator on Labs earlier this year, we had one overriding goal: take making a website -- traditionally a complex process involving HTML, CSS, FTP, and $$$ -- and make it drop-dead easy. Since then, the feedback we're received has been loud and clear: thank you for making simple web publishing simple; now, go make more powerful things possible.

So we've spent the last six months in our shiny white lab coats (er, T-shirts) working on adding power to Google Page Creator without adding much complexity -- and we've just added three new goodies today:

Image editing (see image): Now you can make a picture look just right in the context of your web page. Once you add a picture, crop, rotate, lighten, darken, and add crazy special effects to it right from within your browser.

Multiple sites: When you first sign in to Google Page Creator, we automatically give you a site with the same name as your Gmail address, so you don't have to worry about choosing a name when you're just trying to get started. But because not every site is a personal site, starting today, you can create up to five sites with different URLs. For example, you can have justinspizza.googlepages.com in addition to justin.rosenstein.googlepages.com.

Pages for mobile: This feature has an awesome power-to-complexity ratio: Now, every Google Page Creator site automatically has a mobile edition. So when people visit your site from their mobile browser, they will see it optimized for their particular phone.

Of course, we're only getting started. Let us know how we can make Google Page Creator powerful enough for your web site publishing needs. Permalink |